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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Morals & Ethics

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Ms N. Franklin: Curriculum Lead Geography/Morals and Ethics

Curriculum Intent

Morals and Ethics gives our students a chance to connect their real-world experience with the big questions of today. As they move through the curriculum they will learn about religious and worldviews and approaches that are different to their own. This is powerful knowledge as it helps them to formulate their own views and to understand why some people do what they do because of their beliefs, whether religious or not.

The study of Morals and Ethics will also help our students to reflect on and develop their own ideas, beliefs and principles in the context of ideas that may have commonality or difference to their own. The curriculum encourages them to be considerate of other’s opinions and beliefs. Our students will be able to make sense of moral, social, ethical, religious and worldviews around them and begin to understand the complex world in which they live.

Literacy skills are embedded within the Morals and Ethics curriculum, the use of tier three language is modelled by staff and students and an integral part of Morals and Ethics lessons.  Students are given opportunities to develop their reading as well as extended writing. Morals and Ethics will also develop students’ oracy skills as it allows them to discuss what they are learning and to voice their own opinions.

Curriculum Content

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10/11 Core Year 11 (GCSE)

Ultimate Questions

Attitudes to Sport and Leisure Religion and Media Religion, Crime and Punishment Christianity


Christianity Contemporary Life Issues Buddhism Islam
Buddhism Islam Good and Evil Religion, Peace and Conflict Relationships
Judaism Sikhism Human Rights and Social Justice Life and Death
Should Animals Have Rights? Prejudice and Discrimination Relationships and Family Good and Evil
World Poverty Conflict and Cooperation Human Rights

Learning Journey

morals and ethics roadmap 2024 2025.pdf



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