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South Wigston High School

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Learning without Limits Academy Trust


School Uniform 

We have the highest standards when it comes to uniform, so it is very important to us that all uniform worn adheres to our strict uniform policy. 

If you are unsure about any items of uniform please contact your child’s Head of Year via Weduc.

KS3/KS4 ties can be purchased from school. These can be ordered/paid for by using ParentPay. Ties will then be delivered to your child's class by a member of staff.

Please use these links to access websites for our school uniform suppliers.

Schoolwear Solutions

Schoolwear Solutions - placing an order

Liss Sports


Uniform Policy

  • All students must always wear a SWHS blazer around school. They may wear a plain black or blue coat over their blazer, but this must not replace the blazer.
  • All students must wear the correct key stage tie, at all times.
  • All students must have their shirt tucked in at all times.
  • Students are only allowed to wear ALL black shoes, or ALL black trainers. There must be no coloured or white markings on them.
  • Any skirts must be of an appropriate length and must not be tight fitting. Students are not permitted to roll up their waistbands.
  • If a student chooses to wear a jumper it must be a navy blue v-neck school jumper. The jumper does not replace the blazer.
  • Students are not permitted to wear long false nails or nail polish which is brightly coloured.
  • Make up should be kept to a minimum. False eye lashes are not permitted.
  • Extreme hairstyles, including unnatural colours or shaved sides are not permitted.
  • Students must wear their lanyard at all times (this is part of the uniform).
  • White socks are not permitted over other school items.

Any student who does not adhere to the uniform policy will need to change into uniform provided by SWHS.

PE Kit Policy

  • South Wigston High School polo top 
  • South Wigston High School overlay
  • South Wigston High School OR plain navy shorts, tracksuit bottoms and socks

 PE Kit


 Examples of correctly worn South Wigston High School uniform:


colour strip