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South Wigston High School

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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Learning Development

Our SEND Co-ordinator can be reached at SWHS-SEND@southwigston.lwlat.org.uk

At South Wigston High School we are committed to offering an inclusive education to ensure the best possible progress for all of our students whatever their needs or abilities. We actively promote a whole school approach to meeting additional educational needs (SEN/D) in which all members of the school community have an understanding of their role in supporting students across the school. The school has an experienced and well-trained team of staff who offer a range of support both in class and in small group interventions. 

What we do

Students are helped to achieve their potential in a variety of ways: high quality teaching, being assisted in lessons by Learning Support Assistants; having adapted work; opportunities to work in a small group with a specific focus on reading, writing or spelling; intensive, targeted work overseen by an Intervention Support Mentor. As well as this, we support the development of social skills, comprehension, working memory, fine motor skills and emotional health. At Key Stage 4 we can offer additional provision such as work related learning and entry level qualifications which can lead to successful placements and further education at college. Those with more complex needs may also be referred to agencies such as the School Counsellor, Educational Psychology Service or health services, with parental permission.

How we do it

We identify students within the school who have additional educational needs through close liaison with subject departments and a process of screening. When students join us in their first year at the school, we run a thorough range of reading and spelling assessments to help us to plan and develop our intervention through the year. This gives all teaching staff the information on the needs of all students.

Supporting Everyone

We have an excellent relationship with local primary schools, both feeder and schools from outside of the area, and work closely with them to ensure that we are fully informed about individual student needs prior to transition. Parents are welcome to phone or visit the school at any time to find out more about what we do to support students throughout their academic lives at South Wigston High School.

Exam - Special Arrangements

SEND Local Offer

What is the Local Offer? A short animation (leicester.gov.uk)

SEND Local Offer (leicester.gov.uk)

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