Teen Health
SWHS works alongside Teen Health and welcomes Sam, Health and Wellbeing Officer, to South Wigston High School.
Check out the Teen 11+ website to see what the team offer.
Sam will be attending every Wednesday to work with students and can support with many things including:
- confidence and self esteem
- emotional regulation/self-care
- mental health& emotional wellbeing
- body image
Drop-in Sessions
Sam is available to chat with students during their lunchtime. He runs drop-in sessions at Meeting Room 2, from 12:00-12:40 for KS3 & 13:00-13:40 for KS4.
Students can access the Teen Health service by completing the Teen Health 11-19 referral form.
For general enquiries or advice on referrals, please email teenhealth@leics.gov.uk or phone 0116 305 8727.
You can also contact your Designated Safeguarding Leads, Alicia and Adele, for Teen Health support:
Refer your child
If you would like further information about Teen 11+ or you would like a referral to be completed, please contact your child's Head of Year or email Alicia McElhill (DSL) AMcElhill@southwigston.lwlat.org.uk or Adele Hartley (DDSL) on AHartley@southwigston.lwlat.org.uk
All referrals must have consent from the young person.
Further Information
For further information, please visit https://www.leicestershire.gov.uk/education-and-children/schools-colleges-and-academies/teen-health-11-19.