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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Cultural Capital

What is Cultural Capital?

Cultural Capital is the combination of knowledge, behaviours and skills that a person can draw on to take an active and successful part in society. For example, cultural knowledge enables us to have conversations which would be impossible without that knowledge; and understanding cultural behaviours allows us to be comfortable in new and unusual social situations, and so to succeed in them.

Of course, we all have cultural capital. We have all acquired different knowledge, behaviours and skills from our families, carers and our cultural background.

However, we can all learn more.

Why is Cultural Capital important?

At South Wigston we believe it is important that you have a chance to develop your cultural capital. Indeed, cultural behaviours are a part of the everyday etiquette of school life: for instance, how you greet visitors in school, how you respect the views of others in lessons, and how you thank the kitchen staff at lunchtime. In addition, each week in tutor time we will have a Cultural Capital session where you will have a chance to develop your cultural knowledge.

Having cultural knowledge allows you to understand important parts of society: what you read, hear, see and discuss. This in turn allows you to achieve your goals and become successful in life. It’s also really interesting to know about amazing people, places and events. We want you to be able to leave school as well-rounded individuals who know about the wider world and take an active role in society.

Are you ready for life after South Wigston? Cultural Capital sessions will help.

What does this mean for you?

Each week in tutor time you will have a Cultural Capital session. You will learn about an important person, place, event or development.

Cultural Capital at SWHS:

Cultural Capital in Tutor Time was introduced to South Wigston in the Summer Term 2018, starting by considering Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King. The people, places and events we have covered so far are part of a five-year plan to include a wide, inspirational and culturally diverse selection.

“I like Cultural Capital because you learn interesting facts about famous people and you learn what they did that made them famous. You also learn about the past life of people you didn’t know about before.”

“Year 10 have really enjoyed discussing the different people who have shaped our society.”

“Cultural Capital is good because you learn about important figures you don’t normally learn about in lessons.”

“I am surprised at how much the students are learning so quickly and how much their general knowledge has improved.”

"It was a joy to see the interest several of the children had in the various figures from history particularly people such as Obama"

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