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South Wigston High School

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Learning without Limits Academy Trust


Our cashless system, ParentPay is used for ALL payments including catering, contributions to resources, trips and contribution towards activities.

How to Top Up

Payments to Parentpay can be made either through your ParentPay login and password, with a credit or debit card. A letter can be provided with these details.

Access ParentPay

Alternatively, you can pay via any local paypoint shop, with a plastic paypoint card which can be provided on request.

A letter will be issued for payments such as trips, contributions to ingredients or swimming or to pay for resources and the items listed separately on Parentpay. If you wish to pay for these via a paypoint, a letter with a separate bar code can be issued on request.

Paypoint locations can be found here.

How ParentPay Works

ParentPay uses biometric technology - there is no need for students to carry around a card when making meal purchases at lunchtime, they use their thumb instead. The thumbprint is transferred into a numerical code so the thumbprint itself is not stored.

  • efficient, faster and ultimately an improved service.
  • eliminates the need for students to carry cash with them throughout the day which makes it safer for them and our staff.

All students are shown how to pay at the tills. Any money spent on food and drink will be deducted from the student’s accounts through ParentPay. As a parent, you will be able to identify what they have purchased.

As per current legislation, we are required to operate an ‘opt in’ policy so we will need parent authorisation to take your child’s thumbprint. You will be provided with a form to complete when you child starts with South Wigston High School. If you do not authorise to take the thumbprint, the student can make meal purchases but will need to provide their name at the till point which can be less efficient. (Please note, this also includes students who are eligible for free school meals).

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