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South Wigston High School

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Learning without Limits Academy Trust


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Member of staff

Miss T. Morris: Curriculum Lead PE/Teacher of PE
Mrs V. Haynes-Platt: Assistant Curriculum Lead PE/Teacher of PE
Miss H. Woods: Teacher of PE/Teacher of Humanities
Mr M. O'Brien: Teacher of PE/Head of Year
Mr S. Evans: Teacher of PE/Head of Year
Mr J. Griffiths: School Games Organiser (SGO)/Competition and Leadership Manager

Our vision in PE

In Physical Education at SWHS our aim is to inspire all students to reach their full potential and to provide opportunities for students to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and well being.

In PE everything we do we target developing the following:

  • Develop an understanding of the benefit of participation in physical activity now and later life whilst developing skill levels in a range of sports.
  • Promote the development of key interpersonal skills that are – organisation, co-operation, teamwork and leadership.
  • Develop personal qualities of team spirit, fair play, excellence and enthusiasm and an appreciation of good sportsmanship and etiquette.
  • Accurately evaluate pupils own and others performance to support progression.


Within KS3 we expose our students to a broad and balanced curriculum that is inclusive, challenging, and accessible to all. It provides students with the opportunity to master the fundamental skills which underpin sports performance across a wide range of sporting contexts, both within lessons and within extra curriculum activities.


Within KS4 we provide the opportunity for students to study a greater depth of knowledge within the subject through the examination course CNAT Sport Studies which allows them to access further education courses and pursue possible careers in sports and exercise industry. In Core PE we continue to expose students to a broad and balanced curriculum with the focus on positive engagement.

Learning Journey

pe roadmap.pdf


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